Adop phases
1) prepare - Starts a new patching cycle.
Usage: adop phase=prepare
2) Apply - Used to apply a patch to the patch file system (online mode)
Usage: adop phase= apply patches = <>
Optional parameters during apply phase
--> input file : adop accepts parameters in a input file
adop phase=apply input_file=
Input file can contain the following parameter:
patches=:.drv, :.drv ...
adop phase=apply input_file=input_file
Note : Always specify the full path to the input file
--> restart -- used to resume a failed patch
adop phase=apply patches=<> restart=yes
--> abandon -- starts the failed patch from scratch
adop phase=apply patches=<> abandon=yes
--> apply_mode
adop phase=apply patches=<> apply_mode=downtime
Use apply_mode=downtime to apply the patch in downtime mode ( in this case,patch is applied on run file system)
--> apply=(yes/no)
To run the patch test mode, specify apply = no
--> analytics
adop phase=apply analytics=yes
Specifying this option will cause adop to run the following
scripts and generate the associated output files (reports):
- This script is used to display the differences between the run and
patch editions, including new and changed objects.
The output file location is: /u01/R122_EBS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop////adzdcmped.out.
ADZDSHOWED.sql - This script is used to display the editions in the system.
The output file location is: /u01/R122_EBS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop///adzdshowed.out.
ADZDSHOWOBJS.sql - This script is used to display the summary of editioned objects per edition.
The output file location is: /u01/R122_EBS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop///adzdshowobjs.out
ADZDSHOWSM.sql - This script is used to display the status report for the seed data manager.
The output file location is: /u01/R122_EBS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop///adzdshowsm.out
3) Finalize : Performs any final steps required to make the system ready for cutover.. invalid objects are compiled in this phase
Usage: adop phase=finalize
4) Cutover : A new run file system is prepared from the existing patch file system.
adop phase=cutover
Optional parameters during cutover phase:
-->mtrestart - With this parameter, cutover will complete without restarting the application tier services
adop phase=cutover mtrestart=no
-->cm_wait -
Can be used to specify how long to wait for existing concurrent
processes to finish running before shutting down the Internal Concurrent
By default, adop will wait indefinitely for in-progress concurrent requests to finish.
cleanup_mode=(full|standard|quick) [default: standard]
6) FS_CLONE : This phase syncs the patch file system with the run file system.
Note : Prepare phase internally runs fs_clone if it is not run in the previous patching cycle
Optional parameters during fs_clone phase:
i ) force - To start a failed fs_clone from scratch
adop phase=fs_clone force=yes [default: no]
ii ) Patch File System Backup Count ==> s_fs_backup_count [default: 0 : No backup taken]
Denotes the number of backups of the patch file system that are to be
preserved by adop. The variable is used during the fs_clone phase,
where the existing patch file system is backed up before it is recreated from the run file system.
7) Abort - used to abort the current patching cylce.
abort can be run only before the cutover phase
adop phase=abort
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